
Support Foodbank

We’re proud to be partnering with Foodbank to help fight hunger in Australia.

Our ambition is to fund more than 150,000 meals over the next three years.

We've donated over 50,000 meals in 2022-23!

(Last updated 19th February, 2024)

Foodbank supports over 1 million Australians every month, including hard hit farming communities. According to the Foodbank Hunger Report 2022, more than 2 million households in Australia went hungry in the last 12 months, which means they actually ran out of food because of financial limitations, sometimes skipping meals or going whole days without eating.

Foodbank found that over half of food insecure households in Australia had someone in paid work with the rising cost of living being the most common reason why people are failing to meet their household food requirements.

We are donating a portion of sales proceeds for every 25kg bag of Eco-Prime® Purple/SF35 or Eco-Prime® Emerald Turf granular fertiliser. This equates to one hunger-fighting meal for every bag sold.

Our products are used to grow abundant, healthy food crops, so we see it as a natural fit to support such a great initiative which relies on high quality Australian produce.

Be involved to help us help make a difference to rural and regional communities in need.

Learn more about our partnership in our news section, contact us or find your nearest stockist.




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  • Granular Fertilisers
  • Liquid Fertilisers
  • Soil Amendments
  • Registered Organic
  • Microbes & Stimulants
  • Horticulture
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