Ecogrowth Custom Fertiliser Blends Specific For Your Crop & Soil
One of the services we offer is the production of custom blends that include biologically activated granular fertilisers and chelated, complexed liquid fertilisers. We also offer ACO certified granular and liquid custom fertiliser blends.
By conducting paddock-specific soil tests and providing current agronomic advice, a single custom blend can meet most crop nutrient requirements while saving you time and money.
The majority of our base ingredients are sourced locally and custom blends are able to be packaged in a wide range of sizes, starting as small as 20kg bags through to bulkabags, 1,000L IBCs & bulk.
Ecogrowth fertilisers, including our rock mineral based granular fertiliser selections, address the increasing imbalances in both soil and plant by manufacturing a range of balanced fertilisers that have a solid base of NPK, silicate, calcium and trace elements enhanced with the addition of EcoAdvance® premium biology.
NB: Minimum order quantities apply.
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